We understand that exams can be daunting, but don't worry, we've got you covered! There won't be a live practice exam - instead, you'll submit a final practical video and take two written tests.
For the practical exam, you'll record yourself teaching a 60-minute class using a class plan provided by your teacher. The plan follows a standard structure including an introduction, centering, if relevant - Pranayama and Sun Salutations, Asana sequence, Shavasana, and an ending.
After completing the practical exam, you'll take the written exam. In Module 20, you'll find a lesson called "Final Written Exam". It's structured as a quiz with approximately 200 questions, timed at two hours. The passing score is 50%.
Finally, you'll write an essay. We'll provide suggested topics, but you're free to choose your own. If your essay is sufficient, we may post it on our blog, giving you all the credit. We believe this process ensures our graduates are well-equipped to teach, and we're here to help you every step of the way.