Yoga school in Bali and GOA. Accredited by Yoga Alliance
Bali Bersama Bisa
Bali Bersama Bisa Foundation is an association of 12 NGOs or communities to promote physical, mental, and social well-being with a spirit of inclusiveness. Together, we aim to reduce the stigma about people with mental health problems, disability, sex, and LGBTQIA+ communities who are frequently discriminated or being marginalized by others.


Forming a collaborative network that supports the well-being of Balinese and minority groups spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically with inclusiveness and without stigma.


Making LISA Helpline to prevent suicide, making a facility as a supportive platform for mental health and addiction and also for the marginalized communities' activities under Bali Bersama Bisa Foundation, plus making sociopreneur movement for Bali Bersama Bisa Foundation and society's well-being.
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